Indiana University Study

Indiana has the 3rd highest maternal mortality rate in the country.

National Institute of Health

Death by suicide is a leading cause of maternal mortality and accounts for about 20% of postpartum deaths.


Research shows that as many as 13% of U.S. women reported frequent symptoms of depression after childbirth, and that anxiety co-occurs in up to 43% of depressed pregnant and postpartum women, making pregnancy-related depression and anxiety among the more common pregnancy complications.

Mayo Clinic

Research also shows racial disparities. From 2011 to 2014, the pregnancy-related mortality ratios for black women were more than three times higher than for white women.

Mayo Clinic

Cardiac disease, obesity or high blood pressure put you at a greater risk of death from complications.

Mayo Clinic

40% of women don't attend a postpartum visit with a physician for themselves.

Mayo Clinic

More than half the pregnancy-related deaths happen after childbirth.

Mayo Clinic

You might not know the difference between a normal recovery and the symptoms of a complication — or when to seek medical care.


  Up to 1 in 5 of pregnant and post partum persons will suffer from a mental health disorder, and only 15% seek treatment.